The Cellarmaster's contact details are located on the Member's List page.
The Club Cellar is divided into three groups:
Wines available for all normal functions: the Cellarmaster will provide you with a list two months before your function.
Wines only available for special functions, eg: Gourmet dinners, Taster of the Year, Nichol Trophy.
If function hosts have a special need to access these wines they should contact the Cellarmaster for more information. -
Wines not available at present: These are wines held for aging and/or reserved for extraordinary occasions.
Choosing the Wines for the Function
The host's aim is to present food and wines which complement each other, together with a wine quiz to provoke comment and discussion, towards expanding the members' knowledge of these important pleasures of life.
The Club requires that at least four wines are chosen from the Club Cellar. Of these two must be chosen from the Mandatory List.
How Much Wine will be Needed:
NOTE: This is a guide only.
When you use wines from the Club Cellar, have regard to the number of bottles in stock. The Club usually purchases wines by the half dozen, so if you have around 45, which might just need 7 x 750 mL bottles, consider "stretching" 6 x 750 mL bottles (eg: 8 glasses x93 mL), so that 6 bottles are left in stock. If you have to stretch the wine, make sure you tell the waiters to pour small portions. However, you shouldn't do this if it will compromise the function.
Obtaining Wines from the Club Cellar:
The Cellarmaster will email to you details of the wines available for your function and how to aquire them from the Club Cellar approximately two months before your function. If you require any information, contact the Cellarmaster.
Obtaining Wines from Other Sources:
Subject to the requirement to use four wines from the Club Cellar the Hosts may elect to source some wines from other sources e.g. sweet wines, to provide a contrast with other wines, to be part of an overall theme etc.
Full records and receipts for payment must be kept and attached to the Function Return made to the Treasurer after the function
Wine Preparation
The Hosts must:
arrange for all wines (ex Cellar or otherwise sourced) to be assembled and put into Club wine-masking bags, approprately numbered in accordance with the desired presentation and wine quiz the Hosts have earlier prepared. This may have to be done just before the function - if so, allow at least 1 - 1½ hours.
arrange delivery to the Venue at a mutually convenient time well before the function is to commence - usually the day before is best.
arrange for any wines requiring it to be suitably refrigerated. The Venue may be able to do this. Ensure that wines are not chilled below the appropriate serving temperature for the particular wine.
Returning Surplus Wine
After the function is over, any unopened Club wines are to be returned to the Cellarmaster, or contact our Cellar Master. Do not return to the storage facility.
Cellar - Complete Stock
Because function organisers will be provided with one or more of the discrete cellar lists showing the wines available for their particular function, to avoid confusion, the Club's Full Cellar List is not published on this website. The Full Cellar List is displayed at the AGM but if any member requires a copy of the Full Cellar List then please contact the Cellarmaster.